Many many thanks to all of you who donated to MWEEP during the Kitsap Great Give 2017 which ran through May 2, 2017. As the donations began to roll in we were thrilled to see the numbers climbing higher than ever before. From the 95 online gifts we had a total of $8,480. This number only reflects the online donors and not the matching gifts which we will receive at a later date. Additionally several checks were received.
As you may know in 2016 MWEEP provided funding via our corresponding Board of MWEEP located in Kenya for tuition, board, and room for 74 needy and deserving Maasai girls in secondary school and 39 young women in post secondary education. Many of our previous students have gone on to become successful educators, accountants, and some have established their own small businesses. We hope to be able to provide these educational opportunities for even more deserving Maasai girls and women in the future. Just recently our Kenya Board voted to extend financial assistance to girls who reside in orphanages and do not have access to funds for cost sharing. The Kitsap MWEEP Board totally supported this new endeavor.